"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's Soon Time!

A month away! We can't wait!

We started collecting dates back in January for when people thought she would come and only got a few and then forgot...here's what we have so far:

Andy-May 15
Heidi-May 9
Norma-April 26
Lyle-April 28
Dave-May 7
Keri- May 10

What's your guess?


Meg said...

May 8th! I like that number. :)

Chantel said...

May 21st- its a good day! :)

nanajo said...

May 10th. What is the prize if I win?

Chubby Bunny said...

Im gonna say LATE april 29th-early morning April 30th.. annnnd ill even go as far to say I think it will be Broken water that will send you in!!

Belkycita said...

umm May 2nd, don't know why but I am SO EXCITED!!!!

Rebecca said...

May 11th at 3:47 am... Sorry