"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Can you feel it?

I'm sure can't feel it...well somewhat. Fall is coming...even though it's still 100 degrees. At night, it's not so hot that's it's smothering you...just nice.
I LOVE Fall-especially in ABQ! It's this time that I miss good ole' ABQ because of the State Fair and the Rodeos that come with it AND the Balloon Fiesta! Oh! Keri, I envy you!

On another note, I thought I'd not subject you to a long detailed post like last time, but I would let you know...

School is coming along. For this semester to be planned "easy", it sure isn't. It's taking a toll on my body. With the 100 degree heat and class at the peak of the day, it drains you...plus I want to wear flip flops, but with all the walking, by the end of the day I have many blisters.

My internship is good. We had meetings all week and I was finally able to meet with Dena and go over all the elements of the guide manual. So now, I can start to put it all together. The interesting part is that they gave me MORE info to put in and so it is going to take me longer than normal. On top of that, we had a meeting to get the info for emergency info for the book and they have a plan in the system that's only 6% done so they asked me to take on another project and finish that. It makes me happy that they trust me to do this, but it'll take me a while and then do the manual so sadly these two projects will probably take me all of my internship time and not get to designing the FamilyZone...sad!

My other classes are good (BIS 402 with my crazy teacher is fun) and boring for others (IND and INT). Nothing more to report.

Lastly, I went to two of my three training classes for my new job. so I am half way there. I will be starting to watch Alex on Friday. I am nervous because of all the rules from Article 9 (the rules made to protect them)...I can't really treat him like a "normal" child because of the rules, but they want me to treat him "normal". Nice challenge there. I look forward to getting in it all.

So another week down...it was VERY stressful and many emotions came out of it, but I made it. Now on to week 14. Sorry, I guess this was a bit long. Not on purpose!


Belkycita said...

Ok I'm tired just by reading. You always manage to get all busy1
We miss you guys :-(

Jake said...

I love the balloon festival there in NM! I can't wait till it light jacket weather too! Hope you guys are doing good. Love ya lots!


keri said...

I envy me too tay. : )

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