"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby Update

We went to the doctor today for a check up. It was the first time that Lyle got to hear the baby's heartbeat-so awesome! AND we find out what we are having in four weeks...five days before Christmas...what a great gift. The other great news is that I have only gained 3 lbs so far! I was so happy to hear that since I feel like I've gained so much even though I've been trying to eat healthy, but honestly I haven't. Pretty cool!
So at this point, I am 14 1/2 weeks and I actually feel really good! I just got over a few sicknesses and finally feel like I can go back to life and enjoy being pregnant.
I'm still searching for maternity clothes...I'm down to two pairs of not so nice pants and just tshirts so my wonderful parents are coming down and we are going maternity shopping. I have a little belly but not enough for people to notice that i am prego...I see and feel the difference.
The weeks seem to fly by especially with the holidays coming and work soon to be over and then seeing family soon after.
Lyle and I are just so happy!! Can't wait for May to be here so we can meet our sweet baby!


Belkycita said...

I can't wait to know!!!!
hey are you stopping by Utah on your way to ABQ or on your way back? ;-)

Cheryl said...

This is really delayed because I've been behind on blogs for forever, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so exciting.

That in between stage with the clothes can be frustrating though. I hope you found some cute stuff.

Looking forward to hearing what you're having!