I'm back from Spring Break and even though I was expecting it to be a very boring one, it was better than planned. First, Lyle needed some help at work with a three day project. I was to clean out the company's "bomb shelter" of files (that had been thrown in...some were wet, others were so old they were breaking, and others were covered in spider webs), clean them off and the shelves, and then move and arrange the boxes in the back of trailers. It was hard work, very dirty, and nasty (running across two HUGE spiders and a dead cat) but we were able to get the job done faster than expected and work with Lyle at times and earn money! It was worth it! Plus I really appreciate what Lyle does MORE.
That was Mon-Wed.
Thursday was my day to relax and recoup...so I babysat Davis (6 months old) AND Chloe (9 months old) (I got Davis to sleep just in time for Chloe to get here and cry and wake him up but he didn't scream until I got Chloe to sleep. Then I got him back to sleep just for him to decide he was done. Then his dad came and Davis cried for food and woke Chloe up. At that point they were both done sleeping even though they didn't get too much sleep.-but I still enjoyed it).
That night my parents and sister Jill arrived and it was time to SHOP!! We went and picked out an iPod for my dad's bday and then went to the outlet malls and found shoes and clothes! We also went to the ren festival and got burned and our fair share of pushed up boobs that we decided it was time to leave.
One really fun thing was my birthday gift. It was a watch face that you can change and design your own watch band. Jill and Mom and I REALLY enjoyed that.
Overall it was a VERY good and fun weekend and I'm sad to see them go and sad to start back at school and get thrown back in with two tests on Wed.
SO now you see why I keep telling myself "just 7.5 weeks left until I graduate".
Oh! And I finally dyed my hair for those that haven't seen pics.
Hahahha I love the hat pictures!!!
I love your hair BTW, it think it makes you look really good ;-)
Love you
Love, love, love the hair. And daddy makes a great viking. However, I am unsure of the white fuzzy thing on Jill's head. Wish I could have been there.
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