"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I have to just say...

Today I found out that a friend from EAC 's husband passed away from Lupus and Valley Fever. This has been on my mind all day and it really makes me just want to cry for them!
It has made me think of how greatly blessed I am to have all the time I have with my husband. He has been the best thing to ever happen to me and I can't imagine life without him. I find myself some days not FULLY appreciating what this great, amazing man has done for me and has made me happy to be alive and I realize that I can NEVER, EVER take the time I have with him for granted. Yes, we don't have children yet, but just look at the extra days I have had to grow closer to him and love him even more.
Thank you Heavenly Father for the years I have been so blessed with to spend it with my best friend and to be with him for eternity. What more could I ask for.
I love you, Lyle!


nanajo said...

We love him too, Katy. You made a great choice.

Jared and Jennifer said...


Jared's mom called the other night to tell him the same news. Your friends husband was one of Jared's college roommates right after he got home from his mission. So sad, I have to agree with your thoughts completely. (it's a small world!) Hope you are having a good day.


katy hanchett said...

it is a small world! it's interesting to see how many people have been affected by this instance. it really hits home. love you jen!

Belkycita said...

Very true my dear Katy.
Love you